
class mailsuite.imap.IMAPClient(host: str, username: str, password: str, port: int = None, ssl: bool = True, ssl_context: SSLContext = None, verify: bool = True, timeout: int = 30, max_retries: int = 4, initial_folder: str = 'INBOX', idle_callback=None, idle_timeout: int = 30)[source]

A simplified IMAP client

create_folder(folder_path: str, _attempt: int = 1)[source]

Creates an IMAP folder at the given path

  • folder_path – The path of the folder to create

  • _attempt – The attempt number

delete_messages(msg_uids: List[int] | List[str] | str | int, silent: bool = True, _attempt: int = 1)[source]

Deletes the given messages by Message UIDs

  • msg_uids – A list of UIDs of messages to delete

  • silent – Do it silently

  • _attempt – The attempt number

fetch_message(msg_uid: int, parse: bool = False, _attempt: int = 1) str | Dict[source]

Fetch a message by UID, and optionally parse it

  • msg_uid – The message UID

  • parse – Return parsed results from mailparser

  • _attempt – The attempt number


The raw mail message, including headers dict: A parsed email message

Return type:


move_messages(msg_uids: int | List[int], folder_path: str, _attempt: int = 1)[source]

Move the emails with the given UIDs to the given folder

  • msg_uids – A UID or list of UIDs of messages to move

  • folder_path – The path of the destination folder

  • _attempt – The attempt number


Resets the connection to the IMAP server

exception mailsuite.imap.MaxRetriesExceeded[source]

Raised when the maximum number of retries in exceeded


exception mailsuite.smtp.SMTPError[source]

Raised when a SMTP error occurs

mailsuite.smtp.send_email(host: str, message_from: str, message_to: List[str] = None, message_cc: List = None, message_bcc: List = None, port: int = 0, require_encryption: bool = False, verify: bool = True, username: str = None, password: str = None, envelope_from: str = None, subject: str = None, message_headers: Dict = None, attachments: Tuple[str, bytes] = None, plain_message: str = None, html_message: str = None)[source]

Send an email using a SMTP relay

  • host – Mail server hostname or IP address

  • message_from – The value of the message from header

  • message_to – A list of addresses to send mail to

  • message_cc – A List of addresses to Carbon Copy (CC)

  • message_bcc – A list of addresses to Blind Carbon Copy (BCC)

  • port – Port to use

  • require_encryption – Require a SSL/TLS connection from the start

  • verify – Verify the SSL/TLS certificate

  • username – An optional username

  • password – An optional password

  • envelope_from – Overrides the SMTP envelope “mail from” header

  • subject – The message subject

  • message_headers – Custom message headers

  • attachments – A list of tuples, containing filenames and bytes

  • plain_message – The plain text message body

  • html_message – The HTML message body


exception mailsuite.utils.EmailParserError[source]

Raised when an email parsing error occurs

mailsuite.utils.convert_outlook_msg(msg_bytes: bytes) str[source]

Uses the msgconvert Perl utility to convert an Outlook .msg file to standard RFC 822 format


Anomalies are introduced during conversion that make the results unsuitable for forensic analysis.


msg_bytes – the content of the .msg file

Returns: A RFC 822 string

mailsuite.utils.create_email(message_from: str, message_to: List[str] = None, message_cc: List[str] = None, subject: str = None, message_headers: dict = None, attachments: List[Tuple[str, bytes]] = None, plain_message: str = None, html_message: str = None) str[source]

Creates an RFC 822 email message and returns it as a string

  • message_from – The value of the message from header

  • message_to – A list of addresses to send mail to

  • message_cc – A List of addresses to Carbon Copy (CC)

  • subject – The message subject

  • message_headers – Custom message headers

  • attachments – A list of tuples, containing a filename and bytes

  • plain_message – The plain text message body

  • html_message – The HTML message body

Returns: A RFC 822 email message

mailsuite.utils.decode_base64(data: str) bytes[source]

Decodes a base64 string, with padding being optional


data – A base64 encoded string

Returns: The decoded bytes

mailsuite.utils.from_trusted_domain(message: str | IOBase | Dict, trusted_domains: List[str] | str, include_sld: bool = True, allow_multiple_authentication_results: bool = False, use_authentication_results_original: bool = False) bool[source]

Checks if an email is from a trusted domain based on the contents of the Authentication-Results header


Authentication results are not verified by this function, so only use it on emails that have been received by trusted mail servers, and not on third-party emails.


Set allow_multiple_authentication_results to True if and only if the receiving mail service splits the results of each authentication method in separate Authentication-Results headers and always includes DMARC results.


Set use_authentication_results_original to True if and only if you use an email security gateway that adds an Authentication-Results-Original header, such as Proofpoint or Cisco IronPort. This does not include API-based email security solutions, such as Abnormal Security.

  • message – An email

  • trusted_domains – A list of trusted domains

  • include_sld – Also return True if the Second-Level Domain (SLD) of an authenticated domain is in trusted_domains

  • allow_multiple_authentication_results – Allow multiple Authentication-Results-Original headers

  • use_authentication_results_original – Use the Authentication-Results-Original header instead of the Authentication-Results header


Results of the check

mailsuite.utils.get_filename_safe_string(string: str, max_length: int = 146) str[source]

Converts a string to a string that is safe for a filename

  • string – A string to make safe for a filename

  • max_length – Truncate strings longer than this length


Windows has a 260 character length limit on file paths

Returns: A string safe for a filename

mailsuite.utils.get_reverse_dns(ip_address: str, cache: ExpiringDict = None, nameservers: List[str] = None, timeout: float | int = 2.0) str | None[source]

Resolves an IP address to a hostname using a reverse DNS query

  • ip_address – The IP address to resolve

  • cache – Cache storage

  • nameservers – A list of one or more nameservers to use

  • timeout – Sets the DNS query timeout in seconds

Returns: The reverse DNS hostname (if any)

mailsuite.utils.is_outlook_msg(content: bytes) bool[source]

Checks if the given content is an Outlook msg OLE file


content – Content to check

Returns: A flag the indicates if a file is an Outlook MSG file

mailsuite.utils.parse_authentication_results(authentication_results: str | List, from_domain: str = None) Dict | List[Dict][source]

Parses and normalizes an Authentication-Results header value or list of values

  • authentication_results – The value of the header or list of values

  • from_domain – The message From domain

Returns: A parsed header value or list of parsed values

mailsuite.utils.parse_dkim_signature(dkim_signature: str | List) Dict | List[source]

Parses a DKIM-Signature header value or list of values


dkim_signature – A DKIM-Signature header value or list of values

Returns: A parsed DKIM-Signature header value or parsed values

mailsuite.utils.parse_email(data: str | bytes, strip_attachment_payloads: bool = False) Dict[source]

A simplified email parser

  • data – A file path, RFC 822 message string, or Microsoft .msg bytes

  • strip_attachment_payloads – Remove attachment payloads

Returns: Parsed email data


Attachment dictionaries with binary payloads contain the value binary: True use mailsuite.utils.decode_base64 to convert the payload to bytes.

mailsuite.utils.query_dns(domain: str, record_type: str, cache: ExpiringDict = None, nameservers: List[str] = None, timeout: float | int = 2.0)[source]

Queries DNS

  • domain – The domain or subdomain to query about

  • record_type – The record type to query for

  • cache – Cache storage

  • nameservers – A list of one or more nameservers to use

  • timeout – DNS timeout in seconds


A list of answers